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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 5(1); 1987 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1987;5(1): 1-12.
Early and Late Effect of External Abdominal Irradiation on Small Intestine of Mice at various Total Dose and Intervals: Histopathologic Aspects of Damage and Recovery
Myung Se Kim, Won Hee Choi
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeung Nam University, Korea.
2Department of Patholgy, College of Medicine, Yeung Nam University, Korea.
Total 396 mice were irradiated with 2' cm abdominal field and 200'/wk regimen with orthovoltage x-ray machine. All animals were divided into 2 large groups, damage and recovery, and histopathologic changes were analyzed at various total dose level (1,000 cCy-5,000 cCy) and intervals (1 week-15 weeks). Almost acute changes such as decreased mitotic activity, villi shortening and focal erosion of mucosa recovered within 1-2 weeks in 1,000-3,000 cGy irradiated group but mild changes persisted in 4,000 and 5,000 cCy irradiated groups. Chronic delayed changes such as thickening of vessel wall with focal thrombosis, submucosal fibrosis, mucosal atrophy and chronic ulcer were observed from 2-3 week specimens in 4,000 and 5,000 cGy groups. These late changes recovered slightly, as increasing time intervals after irradiation but mild, persistant changes were observed throught all follow up period. These data suggest hat even 4,000 cCy is not completely safe for possible permanent damage and judicious modificiation of total dose, dose rate, fraction size, and field size should be considered for better results.
Key Words: Various radiation enteritis, Radiation pathology
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