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Checklist > For Authors and Reviewers > Checklist

  1. Copyright transfer form has been signed by all authors.
  2. Ethics disclosure form has been signed by corresponding author.
  3. The manuscript shall be written by Microsoft Office Word or HWP processing programs.
  4. A title page including author details and a manuscript without author details of the original file of the article should be submitted separately.
  5. The original file of the article should not include the affiliations and names of the authors.
  6. Standard abbreviations are defined in a key at their first appearance in the manuscript, and are consistent throughout the text.
  7. Generic names are used for all drugs. Trade names are avoided.
  8. Normal laboratory values are provided in parentheses when first used.
  9. Research or project support/funding is noted in cover letter.
  10. Internal review board approval of study is indicated in cover letter.
  11. References are accurate, complete and in numerical order as they appear in the text, only the first 3 authors are listed.
  12. No more than 50 references are cited in review article.
  13. No more than 55 references are cited in original article.
  14. No more than 20 references are cited in case report.
  15. A corresponding author and complete address, telephone number and e-mail address are provided in cover letter.
  16. Written permission from publishers to reproduce or adapt previously published illustrations or tables is included.
  17. Informed consent forms for identifiable patient descriptions, photographs and pedigrees are included.
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Elekta Korea
Editorial Office
Department of Radiation Oncology, Samsung Medical Center,
Proton Therapy Center, B2, 81, Irwon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06351, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-2-3410-3617
E-mail: rojeditor@gmail.com, roj@kosro.or.kr
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