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Radiation Oncology Journal
This form applies to manuscripts submitted for the possible publication
Manuscript Title:_____________________________________________________________________
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The Journal adheres to the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals (
1) Registration of Clinical Trial Research
Any research that deals with a clinical trial is recommended to be registered with a primary national clinical trial registration site such as, or other sites accredited by WHO or the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
2) Conflict-of-Interest Statement
The corresponding author must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the authors’ interpretation of the data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest are financial support from or connections to pharmaceutical companies, political pressure from interest groups, and academically related issues. In particular, all sources of funding applicable to the study should be explicitly stated.
3) Statement of Informed Consent
Copies of written informed consent and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for clinical research should be kept. If necessary, the editor or reviewers may request copies of these documents to resolve questions about IRB approval and study conduct.
4) Statement of Human and Animal Rights
All human investigations must be conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. All studies involving animals must state that the guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals of the authors’ institution, or any national law, were followed.
5) Authorship
Authorship credit should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published; and 4) agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. Authors should meet these 4 conditions.
6) Originality and Duplicate Publication
All submitted manuscripts should be original and should not be considered by other scientific journals for publication at the same time. Any part of the accepted manuscript should not be duplicated in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board. If duplicate publication related to the papers of this journal is detected, the authors will be announced in the journal and their institutes will be informed, and there will also be penalties for the authors.
7) Secondary Publication
It is possible to republish manuscripts if the manuscripts satisfy the conditions of secondary publication of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
ROJ maintains a zero-tolerance policy when addressing allegations of plagiarism, duplicate publication (self-publication), data falsification, and scientific misconduct. Articles will be retracted if ethics violations are substantiated. Plagiarism is defined by the World Association for Medical Editors (WAME) as the "use of others' published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property) without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source." ROJ participates in the CrossCheck/iThenticate program to investigate incidents of possible plagiarism.
Manipulating data through fabrication, omission, or intentional distortion is unacceptable. Authors should be prepared to provide original data to editors if there is a question of authenticity. Claims of scientific misconduct are investigated and addressed, guided by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct.
Manuscripts will not be processed until the Radiation Oncology Journal Editorial Office has received this signed form. Please upload the completed form when you submit a manuscript on the E-Submission website (
I pledge I do not violate the publication ethics including plagiarism, dual publication, data falsification, and scientific misconduct to submit this article into Radiation Oncology Journal. I agree withdrawal when the violations are disclosed.
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