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Radiation Effect on Mouse Jejunal Crypt Cells by Single and Split Irradiation
Byung Hee Koh, Chang Kok Hahm, Jung Jin Kim, Chan Il Park
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):1-8.
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Radiosensitivity and Dose-urvival Characteristics of Crypt Cells of Mouse Jejunum
Seoung Jae Huh, Charn Il Park
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):9-12.
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The Result of Radiation Therapy of Vocal Cord Cancer for 15 Years
Seong Yul Yoo, Kyoung Hwan Koh, Sung Hee Suh, Chin Yong Kim, Youn Sang Shim
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):13-18.
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Changes in Plasma Prolaction and Growth Hormone Level and Visual Problem after radiation Therapy(RT) of Pituitary Adenoma
Sei Chul Yoon, Hyung Chul Kwon, Yoon Kyeong Oh, Yong Whee Bahk, Ho Yong Son, Joon Ki Kang, Jin Un Song
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):19-28.
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THYMOMA: A Review of Fourteen Patients
S K Kim, H S Lee, K H Cho, C O Suh, G E Kim
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):29-34.
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Solitary Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Head and Neck
K R Park, W Y Oh, J S Sung, C O Suh, G E Kim, B S Kim
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):35-40.
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Radiation Treatment of Esophageal Cancer
W Y Oh, C O Suh, G E Kim
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):41-50.
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Radiation Therapy in Carcinoma of the Vulva: A Review of Fifteen Patients
H S Lee, W Y Oh, C O Suh, G E Kim, C K Park
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):51-58.
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Three Dimensional Dose Planning Using 6MV X-ay and Multiaxial Computed Tomography for Pituitary Adenoma
Myung Za Lee, Tae Jin Choi
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):59-64.
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Radiation Treatment of Primary Orbital Lymphoid Tumors : Case Report
Hyun Suk Suh
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1985;3(1):65-68.