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121 |
Effects of Adjuvant Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy Following Curative Surgery in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Ki Mun Kim, Ihl Bohng Choi, In Ah Kim, Jee Young Jang, Kyung Sub Shinn, Suck Kyun Jang, Jae Hak Lee, Young Ha Kim, Chong Mann Won, Dong Hwan Choi, Jin Seung Kim, Shinn Hee Park
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):121-128.
79 |
The Signal Transduction Mechanisms on the Intestinal Mucosa of Rat Following Irradiation
Jeong Hyun Yoo, Sung Sook Kim, Kyung Ja Lee, Chung Sik Rhee
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):79-96.
97 |
Results of Coventional Radiotherapy for Carcinomas of the Tonsillar Region
Byung Sik Nah, Taek Keun Nam, Sung Ja Ahn, Woong Ki Chung
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):97-104.
105 |
Radiotherapy of Metastatic Neck Nodes from an Unknown Primary Site
In Kyu Park, Sang Mo Yun, Jae Cheol Kim
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):105-112.
113 |
Postoperative Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer
Myung Za Lee, Ha Chung Chun, In Soon Kim, Te June Chung
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):113-120.
129 |
Irradiation Alone in Stage IB, IIA, and IIB Cervix
Sung Ja Ahn, Woong Ki Chung, Byung Sik Nah, Taek Keun Nam, Ho Sun Choi, Ji Soo Byun
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):129-136.
137 |
The Irradiated Lung Volume in Tangential Fields for the Treatment of a Breast
Young Taek Oh, Ju Ree Kim, Hae Jin Kang, Jeong Hye Sohn, Seung Hee Kang, Mi Son Chun
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):137-144.
145 |
Effect of Pelvic Irradiation on the Bone Mineral Content of Lumbar Spine in Cervical Cancer
Seon Min Youn, Tae Jin Choi, Eun Sil Koo, Ok Bae Kim, Seoung Moon Lee, Soo Jhi Suh
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):145-152.
153 |
Comparative Analysis of Bone Mineral Contents withDual-Energy Quantitative Computed Tomography
Tae Jin Choi, Seon Min Yoon, Ok Bae Kim, Sung Moon Lee, Soo Jhi Suh
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):153-158.
159 |
Reduction of Electron ContaminationUsing a Filter for 6MV Photon Beam
Choul Soo Lee, Myung Jin Yoo, Ha Yong Yum
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):159-166.
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Analysis of the Payment Rates and Classification of Services on Radiation Oncology
Kyung Hwan Shin, Hyun Soo Shin, Hong Ryull Pyo, Kyu Chan Lee, Yoon Tae Lee, Hee Bong Myoung, Yong Kwon Yeom
J Korean Soc Ther Radiol. 1997;15(2):167-174.