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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 27(1); 2009 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2009;27(1): 23-28. doi: https://doi.org/10.3857/jkstro.2009.27.1.23
External Beam Radiotherapy in the Management of Low Grade Astrocytoma of the Brain
Ha Chung Chun
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. rthcchun@hanyang.ac.kr
This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of postoperative radiotherapy for patients with low-grade astrocytomas and to define an optimal radiotherapeutic regimen and prognostic factors.
A total of 69 patients with low-grade astrocytomas underwent surgery and postoperative radiotherapy immediately following surgery at our institution between October 1989 and September 2006. The median patient age was 36 years. Forty-one patients were 40 years or younger and 28 patients were 41 years or older. Fourteen patients underwent a biopsy alone and the remaining 55 patients underwent a subtotal resection. Thirty-nine patients had a Karnofsky performance status of less than 80% and 30 patients had a Karnofsky performance status greater than 80%. Two patients were treated with whole brain irradiation followed by a coned down boost field to the localized area. The remaining 67 patients were treated with a localized field with an appropriate margin. Most of the patients received a dose of 50~55 Gy and majority of the patients were treated with a dose of 54 Gy.
The overall 5-year and 7-year survival rates for all of the 69 patients were 49% and 44%, respectively. Corresponding disease free survival rates were 45% and 40%, respectively. Patients who underwent a subtotal resection showed better survival than patients who underwent a biopsy alone. The overall 5-year survival rates for patients who underwent a subtotal resection and patients who underwent a biopsy alone were 57% and 38%, respectively (p<0.05). Forty-one patients who were 40 years or younger showed a better overall 5-year survival rate as compared with 28 patients who were 41 years or older (56% versus 40%, p<0.05). The overall 5-year survival rates for 30 patients with a Karnofsky performance status greater than 80% and 39 patients with a Karnofsky performance status less than 80% were 51% and 47%, respectively. This finding was not statistically significant. Although one patient was not able to complete the treatment because of neurological deterioration, there were no significant treatment related toxicities.
Postoperative radiotherapy following surgery is a safe and effective treatment for patients with low-grade astrocytomas. The extent of surgery and age were noted as significant prognostic factors in this study. However, further effective treatment might be necessary in the future to improve long-term survival rates.
Key Words: Radiotherapy, Low-grade astrocytoma
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