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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 9(2); 1991 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1991;9(2): 215-220.
MVP Chemotherpy and Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy for Stage III Unresectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Randomized for maintenance Chemotherapy vs. Observation: Preliminary Report
Euk Kyung Choi, Hyesook Chang, Cheolwon Suh, Kyoo Hyung Lee, Jung Shin Lee, Sang Hee Kim, Chul Joon Choi, Youn Suck Koh, Woo Sung Kim, Won Dong Kim, Sam Hyun Kim, Kwang Hyun Sohn
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Asan Medical Center, College of medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center, College of medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, College of medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
To evaluate the effect of MVP chemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiotherapy in Stage III unresectable non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), authors have conducted a prospective randomized study since January 1991. Stage IIIa or IIIb unresectable NSCLC patients were treated with hyperfractionated radiotherapy (120 cGy/fx BID) up to 6500 cGY following 3 cycles of induction MVP (Mitomycin C 6 mg/m2, vinblastine 6 mg/m2, Cisplatin 60 mg/m2) and randomized for either oservation or 3 cycles of maintenance MVP chemotherapy. Until August 1991, 18 patients were registered to this study. 4 cases were stage IIIa and 14 were stage IIIb. Among 18 cases 2 were lost after 2 cycles of chemotherapy, and 16 were analyzed for this preliminary report. The response rate of induction chemotherapy was 62.5%; partial response, 50% and minimal response, 12.5%. Residual tumor of the one partial responder was completely disappeared after radiotherapy. Among 6 cases who were progressed during induction chemotherapy, 4 of them were also progressed after radiotherapy. All patients were tolerated BID radiotherapy without definite increase of acute complications, compared with conventional radiotherapy group. But at the time of this report, one patient expired in two month after the completion of the radiotherapy because of treatment related complication. Although the longer follow up is needed, authors are encouraged with higher response rate and acceptable toxicity of this treatment. Authors believe that this study is worthwhile to continue.
Key Words: NSCLC, MVP chemotherapy, Hyperfractionated radiotherapy
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