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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 8(2); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1990;8(2): 137-144.
Quantitative Analysis of DNA Single-strand Breaks in EL 4 cells and Mouse Spleen Lymphocytes after Irradiation
Seoun Yul Yoo, Chul Koo Cho, Kyung Hwan Koh, Woo Yoon Park, Young Hwan Park, Sung Ho Kim, Tae Hwan Kim, In Yong Chung
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, KCCH, KAERI, Korea.
2Department of Laboratory of Radiation Medicine, KCCH, KAERI, Korea.
The filter elution technique was used to assay Co-60 g ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) in EL 4 mouse leukemia cell and spleen lymphocyte. The lymphocytes were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 20 mug/ml) to label [3H] thymidine. EL 4 cells and lymphocytes in suspension were exposed at 0degree C to gy, 1 gy, 5 gy, 10 gy of Co-60 radiation and elution procedure was performed at PH 12.1. The number of DNA single-strand breaks increased with increasing doses of g rays. The strand scission factor (SSF) was estimated in each experiment (eluted volume 21 ml. The slope for EL 4 cells was 0.01301+/-0.00096 gy-1(n=5) and the slope for lymphocytes was 0.01097+/-0.00091 gy-1(n=5). The slopes were significantly different (p<0.005). Thus EL 4 cells were more sensitive to induction of DNA SSB by ionizing radiation than lymphocytes.
Key Words: Alkaline elution, EL 4, Lymphocytes, Single strand breaks, Filter
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