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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 8(1); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1990;8(1): 115-124.
Characteristics of 23 MV Photon Beam from a Mevatron KD 8067 Dual Energy Linear Accelerator
Ok Bae Kim, Tae Jin Choi, Young Hoon Kim
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, School of Medicine, Keimyung Universit, Taegu, Korea.
The characteristics of 23 MV photon beam have been presented with respect to clinical parameters of central axis depth dose, tissue-maximum ratis, scatter-maximum ratios, surface dose and scatter correction factors. The nominal accelerating potential was found to be 18.5+/-0.5 MV on the central axis. The half-value layer (HVL) of this photon beam was measured with narrow beam geometry from central axis, and it has been showed the thickness of 24.5 g/cm2. The tissue-maximum, ratio values have been determined from measured percentage depth dose data. In our experimental dosimetry, the surface dose of maximum showed only 9.6% of maximum dose at 10x10cm2, 100cm SSD, without blocking tray in. The TMR'S of 0x0 field size have been determined to get average 2.3% uncertainties from three different methodis; are zero effective attenuation coefficient, non-ilnear least square fil of TMR's data and effective linear attenuation coefficient from the HVL of 23 MV photon beams of dual energy linear accelerator.
Key Words: 23 MV photon beam, TMR, SMR, Surface dose
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