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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 7(2); 1989 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1989;7(2): 313-320.
Unusual Angular Arrangement of Electrodes in Capacitive Heating Device: Thermal Distribution and Clinical Application
Jin Sil Seong, Sung Sik Chu, Gwi Eon Kim, Sung Wha Yang, John J Kyu Loh
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
2Green Cross Medical Corps. LTd, Korea.
In capacitive heating device, which considered efficient for deep heating, parallel arrangement of the electrodes is a serious limiting factor in heating for eccentrically located lesions because it causes overheating of the exposed ipsilateral skin surface, the heating pattern is also frequently inappropriate, arid the arrangement tends to be unstable due to the patient's gravity. Therefore we attempted an angular arrangement of the electordes to achieve more homogenous and efficient heating for such lesions. In phantom study, both the thermal profile and thermogram established the heating pattern in this unusual angular arrangement of the electrodes at 60degree, 90degree and 120degree angles, respectively. An angular arrangement was also clinically applied to 3 patients. The patients' tolerance was good without significant complication and the thermal distribution was satisfactory. In conclusion, this unusual arrangement of electrodes appears to be promising in the clinical application to the eccentrically located lesions.
Key Words: Capacitive heating, Angular Arrangement, Thermal profile
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