The Role of Postoperative Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in the Management of Adenocarcinoma of the Colon: A Review of 21 Patients |
Kyung Ho Park, John J K Loh, Chang Ok Suh, Dong Won Kim |
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Busan National University Hospital, Busan, Korea. 2Department of Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. |
From March 1970 to December 1984, 21 patients treated initially with curative surgery for adenocarcinoma of the colon, referred to the Department of Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, were analyzed retrospectively. Thirteen of 21 patients who were considered to be ah high risk group (i.e, mainly stage B2 or above), received adjuvant postoperative radiation therapy. However, 2 of 13 patients did not complete their courses of radiotherapy as planned because of poor tolerance to radiotherapy or patient's refusal and were excluded from this study. Remaining 8 of 21 patients who did not received postoperative radiotherapy, presented with recurrence at the time of referral and treated with palliative radiotherapy.
In 11 patients with postoperative radiotherapy, overall local failure rate was 9% (1/11) and the 5 year acturial survival rate was 55%. Local failure rates by stage were 0(0/4), 14%(1/7) for stage B2+B3, C1+C2+C3 respectively and 0(0/2), 17%(1/6), 0(0/3) for stage C1, B2+C2, B3+C3 respectively. |
Key Words:
Adenocarcinoma, Colon, Adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy, Local failure, Survival |