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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 5(2); 1987 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1987;5(2): 137-140.
Accuracy of Dose Estimation in High Dose Rate Intracavitary Radiotherapy of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
Seung Jae Huh, Sung Whan Ha, Kyu Young Choi
1Department of Radiation Therapy, Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Radiation Therapy, College of Medicine, Seoul National Univerisy, Seoul, Korea.
In brachytherapy of uterine cervical cancer using a high dose rate remote afterloading system, it is of prime importance to deliver a accurate dose in each fractionated treatment by minimizing the difference between the pre-treatment planned and post-treatment calculated doses. The post-treatment calculated point A dose was not much different from the pretreatment planned dose (500 cGy). The average+/-standard deviation was 500+/-18 cGy and 84 percent of 82 intracavitary radiotherapy was within the range of 500+/-25 cGy.
Key Words: Brachytherapy, Intracavitary radiotherapy, Uterine cervical cancer, Radiotherapy planning, Point A dose
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