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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 5(1); 1987 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1987;5(1): 49-58.
Development and Thermal Distribution of An RF Capacitive Heating Device
Sung Sil Chu, Chang Ok Suh, Gwi Eon Kim, John Kyu Loh, Byung Soo Kim
Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Hypertermia for the treatment of cancer has been introduced for a long time and the biological effect for the use of hyperthermia to treat malignant tumors has been well established and encouraging clinical results have been obserbed. Unfortunately, however, the engineering or technical aspects of hyperthermia for the deep seated tumors has not been satisfactory. We developed the radiofrequency capactive hyperthermia device (Greenytherm-GY8) in cooperation with Yonsei Cancer Center and Green Cross Medical Corporation. It was composed with 8~10 MHz RF generator, capacitive electrode, matching system, cooling system, temperature measuring system and control PC computer. The thermal profile was investigated in agar phantom, animals and in human tumors, heated with capactivie RF device. Deep and homogeneous heating could be achieved in a large phantom of 25 cm diameter and 19 cm thick when heated with a pair of 23 cm diameter electrodes, coupled to both bases of the phantom, when the size of the two electrodes was not the same, the region near the smaller electrode was preferentially heated. It was, therefore, possible to control the depth of heating by choosing proper size of electrodes. Therapeutic temperature (42degree C~43degree C) could be obtained in the living animal experiments. Indications are that deep heating of human tumors might be achieved with the capacitive method, provided that subcutaneous fat layer is cooled by temperature controlled bolus and large size of electrodes.
Key Words: Hyperthermia, Capacitive heating, Radiofrequency, Greenytherm-GY8
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