The Effect of Hyperthermia Combined with Radiation on Crypts of the Mouse Jejunum |
Hoon Sik Bae, Charn Il Park, Jung Jin Kim |
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Marynoll Hospital, Korea. 2Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea. 3Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine, Han Yang University, Korea. |
The effect of local hyperthermia of 41 to 43degree C for 30 minutes on radiosensitivity of normal tissue was studied utilizing jejunal crypt microcolony assay. Hyperthermia of this range enhanced the radiation effect and the effect was mainly additive without significant effect on the slopes of cell survival curves. At the isoeffect level of 20 microcolony formation, the thermal enhancement ratio was 1.02, 1.10 and 1.39 for 41degree 42degreeand 43degree C, respectively. The distribution of microcolony formation along the circumference of jejunum was not uniform, having more colonies around the mesenteric border, and this suggests the effect of uneven cooling by blood circulation. |
Key Words:
Hyperthermia, Radiation, Jejunal crypt microcolony |