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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 1(1); 1983 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1983;1(1): 37-40.
Dose Distribution in the Brain in Radiotherapy of Whole Barin
Wee Saing Kang, Sung Whan Ha, Charn Il Park
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Whole brain irradiation is one mode in the treatment of brain cancer and brain metastasis, but it might cause brain injury such as brain necrosis. It has been studied whether the dose distribution could be a cause of brain injury. The dose distribution in whole brain irradiated by Co-0 beam has been measured by means of calibrated TLD chips inserted in the brain of Humanoid phantom. The following results were obtained. 1. Dose distribution on each transverse section of the brain was uniform. 2. On the midsagital plane of the brain, the dose was highest in upper portion and lowest in lower portion, varying 8 from 104% to 90%. 3. When the radiation field includes free space of 2cm or more width out of the head, the dose distribution in the whole brain is almost independent of the field width. 4. It is important to determine adequate shielding area and to set shielding block exactly in repetition of treatment.
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