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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 1(1); 1983 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1983;1(1): 29-36.
The Dose Distribution of Arc therapy for High Energy Electron
S S Chu, G E Kim, C O Suh, C Y Park
1Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Nuclear Medicine, College of Medicine, Yonsei University Seoul, Korea.
The treatment of tumors along curved surfaces with stationary electron beams using cone collimation may lead to non-niform dose distributions due to a varying air gap between the cone surface and patient. For large tumors, more than one port may have to be used in irradiation of the chest wall, often leading to regions of high or low dose at the junction of the adjacent ports. Electron-eam arc therapy may elimination many of these fixed port problems. When treating breast tumors with electrons, the energy of the internal mammary port is usually higher than that of the chest wall port. Bolus is used to increase the skin dose or limit the range of the electrons. We invertiaged the effect of various arc beam parameters in the isodose distributions, and combined into a single arc port for adjacent fixed ports of different electron beam eneries. The higher fixed port energy would be used as the arc beam energy while the beam penetration in the lower energy region would be controlled by a proper thickness of bolus. We obtained the results of following: 1. It is more uniform dose distribution of electron to use rotation than stationary irradiation. 2. Increasing isocenter depth on arc irradiation, increased depth of maximum dose, reduction in surface dose and an increasing penetration of the linear portion of the curve. 3. The deeper penetration of the depth dose curve and higher X-ay background for the smaller field sized. 4. If the isocenter depth increase, the field effect is small. 5. The decreasing arc beam penetration with decreasing isocenter depth and the isocenter depth effect appears at a greater depth as the energy increases. 6. The addition of bolus produces a shift in the penetration that is the same for all depths leaving the shape of the curves unchanged. 7. Lead strips 5 mm thick were placed at both ends of the arc to produce a rapid dose drop-ff.
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