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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 1(1); 1983 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1983;1(1): 11-20.
Studies on the Interaction of High Energy Electron with Various Matters
S S Chu, G E Kim, C Y Park
1Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
2Department of Nuclear Medicine, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
Interaction between high energyelectrons and matters had many complex reactions and the high energy electrons lost their energies with collision and scattering, therefore, electrons distribution in matters was shown as various situation by scattering, exciting and ionizing with moleculars. We experimentally studies with 13 MeV Linear Accelerator and thermoluminescence dosimeter using aluminium and Teflon, etc., and measured energy loss of electrons, electron range, electron scattering and dose distribution in matter. We compared the results with theoretical formular, between 4-w MeV, the energy loss of electrons was decreased by 2 MeV per 1g/cm2 but under 1MeV it was rapidly decreased. Electron range in matter reached to 0.5/cm2 per 1MeV of incident energy at 6-2MeV. The dose distribution in matter was increased slightly to some depth by total distribution i.e., the combined intensity of primary and secondary radiant and it was rapidly decreased near the maximum range of electrons. Energy loss of electrons and electron range measured by experiment were coincided with theoretical equations of L. Landau and Feather under 5 and 3% errors respectively. The dose distribution of electrons in matter was similar to L.V. Spencer formular, however, we had found that it was quite different in accordance with the field size and that new formular of dose distribution was induced as empirical function contained experimental factors according to field size.
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