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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 28(3); 2010 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2010;28(3): 184-191. doi: https://doi.org/10.3857/jkstro.2010.28.3.184
The Characteristics of a Research Network for Radiation Oncology in Korea
Jinhyun Choi, Seo Hyun Park, Jin Oh Kang
Department of Radiation Oncology, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. kangjino@paran.com
To evaluate the structural characteristics of a scientific network of radiation oncology society.
A total of 1,512 articles published from 1986 to April 2010 with the terms 'radiation oncology' or 'therapeutic radiology' were obtained in the KoreaMed database. The co-authors were analyzed according to their affiliation, and their relationship was used to build a matrix. With the matrix, centralization indices and the Key Player index were analyzed. We used UCINET 6.0 for the network analysis, Netdraw for determining a sociogram and Key Player 1.44 for the key player analysis.
The centralization of the radiation oncology field decreased from 8.29% for the period from 1986~1990 to 1.84% from 2006~2010. However, when the Korean Journal of Medical Physics was excluded, centralization increased from 2.32% for the period from 2001~2005 to 3.80% from 2006~2010. This suggested that the communication in the clinical research field of radiation oncology is decreasing. In a node centralization analysis, Seoul National University was found to be the highest at 7.9%. Seoul National University showed the highest indices in the Outdegree (6.50%) and Indegree (8.54%), in addition to Betweenness (14.94%) and Eigenvector (135.234%). The Key Player analysis indicated that Inha University had the highest index at 0.491, but when the Korean Journal of Medical Physics was excluded, Yonsei University had the highest Key Player index at 0.584.
The degree centrality in the network of radiation oncology decreased in the most recent period as more institutions are participating in network. However, the Betweenness centrality is still increasing, suggesting that the communications among research groups (clique) in radiation oncology is warranted.
Key Words: Radiation oncology, Network, Centrality, Key player
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