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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 20(3); 2002 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2002;20(3): 283-293.
Development of Dose Planning System for Brachytherapy with High Dose Rate Using Ir-192 Source
Tae Jin Choi, Ji Won Yei, Jin Hee Kim, OK Kim, Ho Joon Lee, Hyun Soo Han
1Department of Bio-Medical Physics Engineering, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, Korea. tjchoi@dsmc.or.kr
2Department of Therapeutic Radiology School of Medicine, Keimyung University, Korea.
3Department of Therapeutic Radiology, School of Medicine, Kyung Pook University, Daegu, Korea.
4Korea Atomic Energy Research and Institute, Korea.
A PC based brachytherapy planning system was developed to display dose distributions on simulation images by 2D isodose curve including the dose profiles, dose-volume histogram and 3D dose distributions.
Brachytherapy dose planning software was developed especially for the Ir-192 source, which had been developed by KAERI as a substitute for the Co-60 source. The dose computation was achieved by searching for a pre-computed dose matrix which was tabulated as a function of radial and axial distance from a source. In the computation process, the effects of the tissue scattering correction factor and anisotropic dose distributions were included. The computed dose distributions were displayed in 2D film image including the profile dose, 3D isodose curves with wire frame forms and dose- volume histogram.
The brachytherapy dose plan was initiated by obtaining source positions on the principal plane of the source axis. The dose distributions in tissue were computed on a 200x200 (mm2) plane on which the source axis was located at the center of the plane. The point doses along the longitudinal axis of the source were 4.5~9.0% smaller than those on the radial axis of the plane, due to the anisotropy created by the cylindrical shape of the source. When compared to manual calculation, the point doses showed 1~5% discrepancies from the benchmarking plan. The 2D dose distributions of different planes were matched to the same administered isodose level in order to analyze the shape of the optimized dose level. The accumulated dose-volume histogram, displayed as a function of the percentage volume of administered minimum dose level, was used to guide the volume analysis.
This study evaluated the developed computerized dose planning system of brachytherapy. The dose distribution was displayed on the coronal, sagittal and axial planes with the dose histogram. The accumulated DVH and 3D dose distributions provided by the developed system may be useful tools for dose analysis in comparison with orthogonal dose planning.
Key Words: Dose planning system, Ir-192 source, 3-D dose plan, Dose-volume histogram
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