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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 20(2); 2002 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2002;20(2): 165-171.
CT Simulation Technique for Craniospinal Irradiation in Supine Position
Suk Lee, Yong Bae Kim, Soo Il Kwon, Sung Sil Chu, Chang Ok Suh
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei Cancer Center, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. cosuh317@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
2Department of Medical Physics, Kyonggi University, Seoul, Korea.
In order to perform craniospinal irradiation (CSI) in the supine position on patients who are unable to lie in the prone position, a new simulation technique using a CT simulator was developed and its availability was evaluated.
A CT simulator and a 3-D conformal treatment planning system were used to develop CSI in the supine position. The head and neck were immobilized with a thermoplastic mask in the supine position and the entire body was immobilized with a Vac-Loc. A volumetric image was then obtained using the CT simulator. In order to improve the reproducibility of the patients' setup, datum lines and points were marked on the head and the body. Virtual fluoroscopy was performed with the removal of visual obstacles such as the treatment table or the immobilization devices. After the virtual simulation, the treatment isocenters of each field were marked on the body and the immobilization devices at the conventional simulation room. Each treatment field was confirmed by comparing the fluoroscopy images with the digitally reconstructed radiography (DRR)/digitally composite radiography (DCR) images from the virtual simulation. The port verification films from the first treatment were also compared with the DRR/DCR images for a geometrical verification.
CSI in the supine position was successfully performed in 9 patients. It required less than 20 minutes to construct the immobilization device and to obtain the whole body volumetric images. This made it possible to not only reduce the patients' inconvenience, but also to eliminate the position change variables during the long conventional simulation process. In addition, by obtaining the CT volumetric image, critical organs, such as the eyeballs and spinal cord, were better defined, and the accuracy of the port designs and shielding was improved. The differences between the DRRs and the portal films were less than 3 mm in the vertebral contour.
CSI in the supine position is feasible in patients who cannot lie on prone position, such as pediatric patients under the age of 4 years, patients with a poor general condition, or patients with a tracheostomy.
Key Words: Craniospinal irradiation (CSI), CT simulator, Supine position, Geometrical verification
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