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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 19(4); 2001 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2001;19(4): 345-352.
Radiotherapy Results in Stage IIB Uterine Cervix Cancer
Whoon Jong Kil, Mison Chun, Seunghee Kang, Young Taek Oh, Hee Sug Ryu, Hee Jae Ju, Eun Ju Lee
To evaluate the treatment results and prognostic factors after radiotherapy in stage IIB uterine cervix cancer.
We retrospectively analyzed the records of 90 patients with stage IIB uterine cervix cancer who received radiotherapy between 9/94 and 12/99. Age was ranged from 28 to 79 years (median 57). Tumor size was > or = 4 cm in 64 patients. Preteatment SCC level was measured in 76 patients. Twenty nine patients received conventional radiotherapy (QD) and the others received modified hyperfractionated radiotherapy (BID). Only 7 patients in BID had tumor size <4 cm. All patients received high dose rate brachytherapy (4 Gy x 7 or 5 Gy x 6). No patient received concurrent chemotherapy during radiotherapy. Follow up period was ranging from 9 to 76 months (median 38).
The 5-year overall and disease free survival rates were 73.4% and 71.6%, respectively. Local recurrences occurred in 10% of patients, and distant metastasis in 18.9%. There was a significant correlation between OS/DFS and tumor size (<4 cm; OS 95.2%, DFS 91.4%, > or = 4 cm; OS 63.4%, DFS 63.4%). Pretreatment SCC level was one of prognostic factors only in univariate analysis.
With modified hyperfractionated radiotherapy, there was very low local recurrence rate (6.6%) and high 5-year overall and disease free survival rate (75.4% and 70.5%), which is comparable to results after concurrent chemoradiotherapy in bulky, locally advanced stage IIB uterine cervix cancer.
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