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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 18(2); 2000 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2000;18(2): 127-132.
The Change of Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure by Radiation Therapy in Patients with Metastatic Lymph Node in Head and Neck Area
Moon June Cho, Jae Sung Kim, Intae Lee, Jun Sang Kim, Ji Young Jang, Ki Hwan Kim
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University.
2Cancer Research Institute, Chungnam National University.
3Department of Radiation Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.
To determine if the tumor intersitial fluid pressure (TIFP) and/or its change in patients with metastatic lymph node in head and neck area can predict radiotherapy outcome.
In 26 biopsy proven metastatic lymph node patients in head and neck area with accessible by direct inspection and palpation, and of sufficient thickness (>1 cm) to permit accurate needle placement, we measured TIFP at cervical lymph node before and during radiotherapy. Tumor size was measured clinically and radiologically.
The mean preradiotherapy TIFP was 24.7 mmHg. Preradiotherapy TIFP had marginally significant relationship with tumor size ( p=0.06). Preradiotherapy TIFP significantly decreased when tumor size decreased ( p=0.009). Preradiotherapy TIFP was not different between complete response group and group with partial or less respone ( p=0.75). Radiotherapy outcome was not different between group with above and group with below than average TIFP ( p=0.229). TIFP decreased 36 mmHg in complete response group and 29.7 mmHg in group with partial or less respone.
The mean TIFP was elevated with 24.7 mmHg. Preradiotherapy TIFP had marginally significant relationship with tumor size ( p=0.06). TIFP decreased 36 mmHg in complete response group and 29.7 mmHg in group with partial or less respone but there was no statistically significant relationship in two groups.
Key Words: Tumor intersitial fluid pressure, Radiotherapy, Head and neck cancer
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