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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 15(4); 1997 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1997;15(4): 315-320.
Radiotherapy of Early Stage Glottic Cancer
Yong Ho Kim, Gyu Young Chai
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang Institute of Cancer Research.
To evaluate the role of curative radiotherapy and salvage surgery in patients with T1,T2 glottic cancer. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Between June 1989 and December 1994, 23 patients with early glottic cancer, 18 with T1N0M0 and 5 with T2N0M0, were treated with radiotherapy at Gyeongsang National University Hospital. All patients were male. Median follow-up period was 46 months, and 100% were observed for at least 3 years.
Actuarial survival rates at 5 years were 84.3% for 23 patients. The 5-year actuarial survival rates were 94.4% for T1 and 53.3% for T2 (P=0.05). The 5-year local control rates was 70.0% for T1 and 60.0% for T2 (P=0.44). Of 8 patients with treatment failure, 6 patients (75.0%) were salvaged with surgery. After surgical salvage, the 5-year local control rates were 87.2% for T1 and 80.0% for T2(p=0.55).
In early stage (Stage I and II) glottic cancer, curative radiotherapy can be a treatment of choice and surgery reserved for salvage of radiotherapy failure.
Key Words: Early glottic cancer, Radiotherapy
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