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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 13(3); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1995;13(3): 243-252.
Intraluminal High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy for the Tumors of Gastrointestinal Tract
Byung Ock Choi, Ihl Bhong Choi, Su Mi Chung, In Ah Kim, Myoung Gyu Choi, Suk Kyun Chang, Kyeong Sub Shinn
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Internal Medicine, Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Surgery, Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
Intraluminal High dose rate brachytherapy is an accepted treatment for the tumors of GI tract. However, there is only some limited clinical data for intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy for the tumors of GI tract.
Between February 1991 and July 1993, 18 patients who have the tumors of GI tract (esophageal cancer-8 cases, rectal cancer-10 cases) were treated with gigh dose rae iridium-192 afterloading system )Microselectron-HDR, Nucletron CO, Netherland) at the department of therapeutic radiology, St. Mary's hospital, Catholic university medical college. Age rage was 47-87 years with a mean age 71 years. All patients were treated with intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy within two weeks after conventional external radiation therapy and received 3-5 Gy/fraction 3-4 times per week to a total dose 12-20 Gy (mean 17 Gy). Standard fractionation and conventional dose were delivered for external radiation therapy. Total dose of external radiation therapy ranged 41.4-59.4 Gy (mean 49.6 Gy). Median follow up was 19 months.
The analysis was based on 18 patients. The complete response and partial response in esophageal cancer was similar (38%). Two year rates for survival and median survival were 13% and 10 months, respectively. Among 10 patients of rectal cancers, partial response was obtained in 6 patients (60%). There was no complete response in the patients with rectal cancer, but good palliative results were achieved in all patients.
Although the number of patients was not large and the follow up period was relatively short, these findings suggested that intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy could be useful in the treatment of the patients with advanced tumors of GI tract.
Key Words: High dose rate bracytherapy, Intraluminal radiation, Esophageal cancer, Rectal Cancer
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