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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 13(1); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1995;13(1): 41-48.
Results of Postoperative Irradiation in Patients with Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix Stage IB and IIA
Sung Ja Ahn, Taek Keun Nam, Woong Ki Chung, Byung Sik Nah, Ho Sun Choi, Ji Soo Byun
1Department of therapeutic Radiology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea.
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju, Korea.
The adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy has been usually applied to the patients with unfavorable prognostic factors after radical operation in early cervical cancer. We focused on the evaluation of the survival status and failure patterns of the patients with postoperative radiotherapy.
We retrospectively analyzed ninety patients with FIGO stage IB and IIA cervix cancer who received postoperative pelvic irradiation at Chonnam University Hospital between August 1985 and December 1988. Seventy-eight patients had adequate follow-up information for survival anlysis. Median follow-up time of these patients was 64 months.
The 5 year overall and disease free survival rate of ninety patients was 80.0% and 80.2% respectively. The prognostic significance to the survival was determined by multivariate analysis. Adequacy of resection margin(p=0.005) and lymph node status(p=0.005) appeared to be independent prognostic factors. Recurrence occurred in 13 Patients, 5 in the pelvis and 8 at distant sites. He median time to recurrence was 19 months(range;3-39 months). The pelvic recurrence was more prevalent in the group of patients with adenocarcinoma, depth of stromal invasion more that 10mm and use of chemotherapy. The distant failure was more prevalent in the group of positive resection margin or positive lymph node with statistical significance.
Patients with pelvic lymph node or surgical margin involvement clearly constitute a high risk group in this analysis and should be considered as candidates for some form of adjuvant therapy.
Key Words: Uterine cervix, Carcinoma, Postoperative irradiation
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