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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 11(1); 1993 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1993;11(1): 59-68.
Postoperative Radiation Therapy of Craniopharyngioma
Kyung Hwan Shin, Hyong Geln Yun, Il Han Kim, Charn Il Park, Byung Kyu Cho
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
3Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Between December 1979 and September 1989, 23 patients with craniopharyngioma who underwent surgery and postoperative radiation therapy were retrospectively evaluated to assess the efficacy of this management at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital. Total removal of tumor was attempted in all patients. Of these, surgeons tried total removal in eight patients, but revealed residual mass by postoperative CT, and partial removal was done in 15 patients. The morphology of tumor on the operative finding was grouped into three types : cystic 13 (57%), solid 4 (17%), and mixed 6 (26%). Cystic type was predominant in< or =20 years old group. Actuarial overall survival rates at 5 and 10 years were 95% and 81% respectively and actuarial tumor control rates were 74% and 50%. Surgical extent was not related to the survival rates(p=0.41). Pediatric and adolescent Patients(age of< or =20 year) had a trend of better survival than that of adult patients(p=0.10). The results indicated that limited surgical excision followed by radiation therapy is recommended when total excision is not possible.
Key Words: Craniopharyngioma, Radiation therapy, Survival rate
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