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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol Oncol > Volume 19(3); 2001 > Article
The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2001;19(3): 293-299.
LiF TLD in TLD Holder for In Vivo Dosimetry
Sookil Kim, John J K Loh, Byungnim Min
1Department of Premedical Sciences, Kosin Medical College, Busan, Korea.
2Department of Radiation Oncology, Inha University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea.
LiF TLD has a problem to be used in vivo dosimetry because of the toxic property of LiF. The aim of this study is to develop new dosimeter with LiF TLD to be used in vivo dosimetry.
We designed and manufactured the teflon box(here after TLD holder) to put TLD in. The external size of TLD holder is 4x4x1 mm3. To estimate the effect of TLD holder on TLD response for radiation, the linearity of TLD response to nominal dose were measured for TLD in TLD holder. Measurement were performed in the 10 MV x-ray beam with LiF TLD using a solid water phantom at SSD of 100 cm. Percent Depth Dose (PDD) and Tissue-Maximum Ratio (TMR) with varying phantom thickness on TLD were measured to find the effect of TLD holder on the dose coefficient used for dose calculation in radiation therapy.
The linearity of response of TLD in TLD holder to the nominal dose was improved than TLD only used as dosimeter. And in various measurement conditions, it makes a marginnal difference between TLD in TLD holder and TLD only in their responses.
It was proven that the TLD in TLD holder as a new dosimetry could be used in vivo dosimetry.
Key Words: Teflon, TLD holder, PDD, TMR, in vivo dosimetry
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