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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 9(2); 1991 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1991;9(2): 351-359.
Optimization of Dose Distribution for LINAC-based Radiosurgery with Multiple Isocenters
Tae Suk Suh, Sei Chul Yoon, Kyung Sub Shinn, Yong Whee Bahk
Department of Radiology, Catholic University Medical College Seoul, Korea.
The current LINAC technique for radiosurgery utilizes a single isocenter approach with multiple noncoplanar arcs. This approach results in spherical dose distributions in the target. Many arteriovenous malformations and tumors suitable for radiosurgical treatment have non-spherical or irregular shapes. The basic approach presented in this paper is to use two or multiple isocenters with standard arcs to shape irregular target volumes through the use of multiple spherical targets. Selection of reasonable irradiation parameters in the first stage is critical to the success of real-time optimization. A useful guideline for optimum isocenter separation and collimator size is developed to shape the target margin uniformly with an desired isodose surface for an elongated target. The implementation of multiple isocenters with three dimensional dose model and application of multiple isocenters approach to several cases are discussed.
Key Words: Stereotactic Radiosurgery, LINAC, Dose Distributions, Multiple Isocenters
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