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J Korean Soc Ther Radiol > Volume 14(1); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology 1996;14(1): 61-68.
Sphenoid Sinus Carcinoma with Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastasis and Syringomyelia: Report of A Case
Young Sock Kim, Yoon Kyeong Oh
1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chosun University Medical Coolege, Kwangju, Korea.
2Department of Diagnositic Ratiology, Chosun University Medical Coolege, Kwangju, Korea.
Primary sphenoid carcinoma is rare. It accounts for 0.3% of all primary paranasal sinus malignancies. Because of the rarity of sphenoid carcinoma, large series of patients with outcome and survival statistics are currently unavailable. So we followed up the 1 case of sphenoid sinus carcinoma treated in our hospital and reported the course of the disease. METHODS AND MATERIALS : In a review of case reports and small series of patients, 2-year survival was 7%. Our case is alive at 29 months after diagnosis of sphenoid sinus carcinoma. Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis (ISCM) is an unusual complication of cancer. In our case rapidly progressive paraparesis and urinary retention developed at 25 months after diagnosis of sphenoid sinus carcinoma. MRI of the thoracic spines showed the intramedullary spinal cord tumor mass at T3 and T4 level with accompanying syringomyelia.Here we report a case of ISCM associated with syringomyelia which has developed after primary sphenoid sinus carcinoma with a review of literature about the clinical behavior and treatment of this lesion.
Key Words: Sphenoid sinus carcinoma, Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis, Syringomyelia
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